An exhibition by EDI at AKVAR from 3-7 on May 10

The plans have been through a PAN stage and a PPP stage [14/02814/PPP] (this approval sets the uses, footprint, probably height etc. Approval is still pending.). They will be submitting an AMC application(Application for approval of matters specified in Condition 23 of Outline Planning Permission) in late May and so the exhibition is really a chance to see what they will submit. Things like design etc. will probably be shown in this. Finally a full planning application will be submitted but that is likely to be for piecemeal parts of the development, one at a time.

See attached;  14/02814/PPP Proposed mixed use development comprising retail (Class 1), financial services (class 2), food and drink (class 3), office/light industrial (class 4), hotel (class 7), housing (class 9), community use (class 10), leisure (class 11), public house (non-classified use) and associated parking, open space, infrastructure and public realm works.

The planning committee is minded to grant, so there are a few things to tidy up, like contamination of the site and the financial contributions. It is interesting to see what is proposed;

Financial contributions

1. Tram project (£) 1,158,368.

2. Traffic Regulation Order £2,500.

3. Public Transport Infrastructure £17,000.

4. A proportionate share of costs towards highway works at Fountainbridge/Dundee Street to be agreed.

5. City Car Club £7,000.

6. Education Infrastructure £356,116.

7. Roseburn to Union Canal Cycle Link £20,000.

8. Affordable Housing @ 25% of total number of units 85 units.

Map here: