Annual Accounts
As per our AGM in May, we have to publish our audited accounts each year, so I enclose below the Tollcross Community Council Annual accounts for 2014/2015. TXCCAccounts 2014-15 2014:2015TXacc
Alcohol-related illness and death in Scottish neighbourhoods
Alcohol Focus Scotland produced a report on alcohol related illness and death in Scottish neighbourhoods and the relationship with a the number of alcohol outlets. Researchers at the Centre for…
Agenda for October 8th Metting
Here is the Agenda for the meeting on October 8th at Tollcross Community Centre. Highlight will be the proposed cycle route from Meadows to the Union Canal.
New cycle route to canal/meadows
The City of Edinburgh Council is developing a new cycle route and improvements between the Union Canal and the Meadows via Home Street, Tarvit Street and Brougham Place. In addition,…
Licensing letter
Below is a copy of the letter sent by Tollcross Community Council to the Edinburgh Licensing Forum on the current situation regarding Licensing Board Policy and its Implementation. The role…
Friends of the Meadows
Photography by Dave Henniker. Friends of the Meadows and Bruntfields links (FOMBL) have tabled a petition to be sent to local politicians and offices regarding events on the Meadows and…
Tollcross supermarkets Alcohol licensing
Photography by Dave Henniker. Roger Colket will be attending the City of Edinburgh alcohol licensing committee on Monday 28th April to object on behalf of Tollcross Community Council about the…
Edinburgh’s Parks
Are you interested in Edinburgh’s parks? We want your views on how we assess which events take place in Edinburgh’s parks and green spaces. Find out more and complete our…