Report from the latest Communications sub-group held on 30th June.

1 AD had researched funding for two pavement notice boards. He told us that the deadlines for the next round of grant applications to the relevant Neighbourhood Partnership grants are not until October (SWNP) and November (CCNP). He also suggested that larger noticeboards should be applied for, viewable from both sides and affording space on one side for a map and local advertising. AD agreed to find accurate costings, both for our previous chosen boards and for the newly proposed type. This would include all the associated costs and income where possible (i.e. insurance). He will circulate the information in advance of the next sub-group meeting by email.

2 Discussion on a proposed newsletter led to the decision by the group to delegate to AD the responsibility to find the cost of a newsletter to his preferred format. That is to include all production costs and delivery costs. AD agreed to circulate the costing and format information in advance of the next sub-group meeting by email.

3 HG drew attention to other local magazines and the possibility of including in them, information and articles about TXCC. The idea met with general approval.

4 TP provided costings for both feather flags (two would £200 + VAT) with finished artwork to the specified .pdf form as yet un-costed. Similarly, he provided costings for two pull-up banners for inside use. Again, the cost would be £200 + VAT, with more cost associated with the production of artwork.

A discussion about the format of the flags and banners followed and a basic design brief decided on. It was further decided that TP should pass this on to Nick and Lucy for an estimate of the artwork cost. The design brief was our the web address and the letters TXCC on the feather flag, and for a background picture of the clock at Tollcross with more extensive text on the pull-up banners. TP agreed to do this as soon as possible.

5 AW asked about A4 posters advertising meetings continuing to go to the usual places. The general agreement of the group was that this could be done until the new noticeboard is in place.

6 The next meeting of the sub-group will be on 15th September at 7.30pm. Generously, HG has agreed to host the meeting again.

Tim Puntis (1/7/15)