New local licences for Tollcross

A collection of some of the recent applications for licences for various shops and pubs within Tollcross CC.
New Civic Notice 300555 July 2015
New Civic Notice 299655 July 2015
The Heart of the City of Edinburgh
A collection of some of the recent applications for licences for various shops and pubs within Tollcross CC.
New Civic Notice 300555 July 2015
New Civic Notice 299655 July 2015
Have you noticed the advert on that new diner Bruno’s? It advises that ‘Skinny people are easy to kidnap….Stay safe! Eat at Bruno’s’. I worked at Boroughmuir HS with pupils with Aspergers and Down’s Syndrome who would have taken this literally. As a qualified Primary teacher I think that kids who have just learned to read could also read this and be afraid. I would not object to the sign being indoors or in a beer garden but beside the 47/23 etc bus stop is a bit much.
Hi Linda, Agree with you – you should ask your local Councillor who best to complain too about it. The Council contract a private company to do the bus stops in Edinburgh, and I would think they control the adverts on them. Thanks Andrew