Draft AGM and draft May Minutes of Tollcross CC
Draft AGM and draft May Minutes of Tollcross Community Council. TXCC AGM Minutes DRAFT TXCC Minutes DRAFT
Communication Sub Group
Report of the Communication Sub Group, held on Tuesday 19th June. Name of the group, We agreed to refer to this group as the Communication Sub Group. Banners and Noticeboards.…
Notice of AGM May 13th, 19.00 at Tollcross Community Centre
Our AGM will be held on May 13th 2015 at at our usual venue, Tollcross Community Centre. We will be electing the Executive Committee, including Chair, Vice- Chair, Treasurer, and…
June AGM and May draft minutes
Just a reminder that the the next Tollcross Community Couincil meeting on Wednesday 11th June will be : 14. 05. 14 draft