Kings Stables Road 2nd PAN plans
Please find the revised plans for Kings Stables Road, now with added nightclub being made into student accommodation in the plans below. 15653-King's Stables Road, Edinburgh - Public ConsultationFinalBoards Developer…
Consultation on Draft Revised Student Housing Planning Guidance
City of Edinburgh Council are commencing a six week consultation exercise on the Revised Student Housing Guidance. Comments made during this consultation stage will be given due consideration in the formation…
Parking on pavements – views sort
From the Scottish Government - Will plans to tackle parking on pavements make a difference to you? The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee want to hear from people…
Student Housing views required by Council
EDINBURGH LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN – YOUR VIEWS ON STUDENT HOUSING The Council is looking for your views on how it manages the housing requirements of the city’s growing number of…