Museum of Fire Protest to Parliament
11am Thursday 11 February 2016 and a gathering of old Fire Trucks travel down to Parliament to make the point that the Edinburgh Museum of Fire should stay in Edinburgh in…
South Centra£ Decides
South Central Neighbourhood Partnership have for the first time this year decided to take a public vote on who gets what as part of the SCNP Grants process, alà Leith…
Save the Museum of Fire protest march
Museum of Fire The campaign to save the Museum of Fire has stepped up a notch with campaigners planning a protest, with fire engines, travelling from the fire station to…
Help save the Museum of Fire
The Museum of Fire occupies the Engine Room of 76-78, Lauriston Place, Edinburgh which was built in 1900 as the Central Fire Engine Station of Edinburgh Fire Brigade. With the…
Roseburn to Union Canal path link Proposals.
Roseburn to Union Canal path link Proposals. The Council would like to get your feedback on these proposals. This is your opportunity to comment, request changes and provide suggestions for…
Community Safety surgeries
New Community Safety surgeries will be starting in Central Library on Monday 9 November, in Central Library - more details in the poster below and you can download a copy for…
South West Neighbourhood Partnership – November Newsletter
The South West Neighbourhood Partnership has produced a November newsletter: SWNP November Newsletter. Amongst other things there’s information on applying for £1,000 fund for events for young people.
Memories of Fountainbridge
Fountainbridge Library is the place to be for local history in September! Hosting events on the local history of Fountainbridge, staring with the brewing history, with photos and memories. The…
What do you want to change in Tollcross
With the summer upon us we're asking what do you want to be seen done in Tollcross in the coming year. As the Community Council we are coming up with…
Pupils’ Fountainbridge pictures are a big draw
Kids at Tollcross Primary School were asked to come up with pictures to cover up hoardings on Melvin Walk in Springside, Fountainbridge. See the full story online via Edinburgh Evening News.